Monday 23 November 2009

Build a Wind Generator

Today we live 100% Off-Grid with our Wind Generator and Solar Panels

No we don't live in a fancy house, that was never what we wanted. We learned how to build our own wind generator to run our house at a cost we could afford.

We figured out how to do it all for under $100 dollars, not thousands of dollars. We had to.
And in so doing we figured out how to help others do the same thing!

I would like to share with you exactly what we discovered and how we built our own wind generator.

Would you like to discover:

Step by Step How To Build A Wind Generator.

How to Cut Fuel Costs to Nearly Zero

How To Clean Up The Environment

How To Get Massive IRS Refunds

You Can Build A Wind Generator

You are here because you are probably trying to decide if you can learn how to build a wind generator yourself.

Are you wondering…·

How much will a homemade wind generator cost ?

Can we get reliable, easy to follow wind generator plans ?·

How long will it take to build a wind generator ? ·

Are home made wind generators comparable to store bought models ? ·

Are the parts to build a wind generator easy to find ?

The simple answer to all of your questions is – ‘You can build a 1000 watt homemade wind generator for under $100 (including the wind generator plans ! ) in about 2 weekends and all of the parts are readily available and quickly obtained.’

Go Green

Build Your Own Electric Car

Build Your Own Electric Car - Electric Car Plans - Electric Car Conversions

Family Living Off the Grid with Renewable Energy takes Know How and Applies it to Electric Cars... Discovers the 'SECRET' to increasing the range of their Electric car up to an amazing 100 miles from a single charge with revolutionary discovery while building their own Electric Vehicle...How did they do it?

For the past 15 years our family has been living off the grid with only solar and wind power. We moved to our present location, built our own house and then we set to work to find alternative energy options that we could afford.

You see our family is no different than yours. We are just regular people who just want to make a difference in their lives. We wanted to lower our electricity costs. We wanted to lower our car expenses. It is getting very expensive out there so we figured out a way to beat it.

Today we live 100% Off-Grid and drive Electric Vehicles.

No we don't own those fancy new hybrids. We learned how to convert our cars to run on electricity at a cost we could afford. We figured out how to do it all for hundreds of dollars, not thousands of dollars.

We figured out how to get 100 miles out of a single charge!

Go Green Today