Monday 23 November 2009

Build a Wind Generator

Today we live 100% Off-Grid with our Wind Generator and Solar Panels

No we don't live in a fancy house, that was never what we wanted. We learned how to build our own wind generator to run our house at a cost we could afford.

We figured out how to do it all for under $100 dollars, not thousands of dollars. We had to.
And in so doing we figured out how to help others do the same thing!

I would like to share with you exactly what we discovered and how we built our own wind generator.

Would you like to discover:

Step by Step How To Build A Wind Generator.

How to Cut Fuel Costs to Nearly Zero

How To Clean Up The Environment

How To Get Massive IRS Refunds

You Can Build A Wind Generator

You are here because you are probably trying to decide if you can learn how to build a wind generator yourself.

Are you wondering…·

How much will a homemade wind generator cost ?

Can we get reliable, easy to follow wind generator plans ?·

How long will it take to build a wind generator ? ·

Are home made wind generators comparable to store bought models ? ·

Are the parts to build a wind generator easy to find ?

The simple answer to all of your questions is – ‘You can build a 1000 watt homemade wind generator for under $100 (including the wind generator plans ! ) in about 2 weekends and all of the parts are readily available and quickly obtained.’

Go Green

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